Sunday, March 7, 2010

Santa Cruisin'

This weekend I headed up to Santa Cruz to hang out with my friend and fellow blogger Erin of Little Shorts. She and her roommates were having a party with an "extinction" theme. Erin decided to dress up as "The American Dream" and I was sans costume for the evening.

That's me on the left. The whole outfit is thrifted with the exception of the Vans and the tights.


erin kubes said...

hey i know youre not doing facebook but all the pics are on there if you wanna cheat. and youve got a secret... or not so secret admirer who commented on this pic on facebook

jillian dahhling said...

hahahaha!! you do! i saw it! also, your 49er tee counts as a costume. the winning 9er's are extinct. done and done.

Babe Overload said...

ohhh snap! touche!